Backyard Chicken Breeds
The Unique Ones and The Dependable in our backyard
A chicken yard is certainly more fun when you have some handsome hens scratching around. We really enjoy a spunky looking chicken; they hold a special spot in the flock and our hearts. Most people begin raising chickens in their backyard for the fresh eggs. It doesn’t take too long to realize how much fun chickens really are and how it’s so easy to start raising chickens just because you love them so much. We have always had the “feather foot” here or the “puff top” there mixed in with our more practical breeds. Since we live in Maine, we choose weather hardy chickens and good egg layers. This year we added a new group of chicks much different then our past flocks. Thanks to another backyard farmer, Glamour Chickens, we have introduced a fun variety of beautiful breeds to our farm.
The photo below shows the chicks on their arrival day to our farm. We were so excited to see how these girls looked full grown. You can keep cruising down this blog to see more pictures, but the video above shows you how each chicken matured in a video format.
Serama-Cemani Mix this one is named Carless
Silkie-Sultan mix “Sulkies” named Angus and Isabelle
All of the chicks came with little bands on their feet to help with identification of breed and gender. We clipped them off easily once they moved into their new coop. These two chicks are Angus and Isabelle.. see below for their updated look a couple weeks later.
Lavendar Orpingtons
We did get a few of these birds. They are very dependable egg layers. As full size hens, they will be gray with a hint of lavendar. They are a particularly popular breed of laying hens and average 200 medium sized eggs that are light brown in color. The one featured here is named Morgan.
There is also an Aracauna in our flock.
These young chickens are already getting up on their third floor perch by the fresh air. I’m pretty impressed that these younguns were able to do that. And look at these photos below; Alexia made a swing for these new fancy chicks to play with. They seemed to enjoy their first time giving it a try.
Jupiter is an Ayam Cemani Sizzle mix
This baby chick is very unique and should grow up to be a curly dark hen.
Angus Napping by Alexia
Inkie the Sulkie reminds me of the birds in Rio. Photo by Acadia.
Fuzzy Mozart: photo by Acadia and entered in 4H exhibit hall.
Fuzzy Mozart, getting a little blue on her cheek
The twins Abigail and Isabelle, we tell them apart by the color of their beaks.
Angus going for a walk.
Check back on this post... I’m sure you’re as interested as I am about how these girls will look as they age. This year, the kids have been excited to meet this fun flock of girls. They are such a great addition to the farm.
Cameron is a rooster strutting his stuff.
Jupiter, not all black anymore. He’s our feisty rooster!
The many nameless, Lavendar Orpingtons. Only Morgan is named, she is plumper then the rest. I’ll catch you a photo of her later and add it. Morgan sleeps on the grain barrel at night.
Fuzzy Mozart all grown up: what a little fuzz ball she is.
Inky and Isabelle
Carless, we think is also a rooster.