Thursday, November 10, 2022

Hay Storage Addition

Hay Storage Addition on the Barn

The sheep have a new addition on the back of the barn to store the large round hay bales. It was good timing to get this added on before the siding.

Just like the barn itself, Pepere Larry and Justin built this on their own.  Spending time to design it out and make blueprints.

The frame for the roof and front are up and the gate.  The sheep are blocked out of the construction zone, even though at one point, two did sneak their way in there and then had to be rescued by Alexia.

The sun is shiny down on them as they worked getting the back side framed and roof started.  Once they got started, this structure went up quickly.

The roof was put on and we were ready to start utilizing the space for hay while it was still readily available.

The ground is gravel and then they put down pallets to elevate the bales off the ground.

The addition was designed to make it easier to deliver the bales right where they need to go.  With less manual labor. The truck can back up right into the back.  Last year we carried over 100 square bales upstairs in one day.  The hay will also be closer now when the kids do their feeding chores.

Before the walls were added, you can see the turkey cottage in the back woods.  You can also appreciate how massive these bales of hay are.

Six large round bales fit perfectly in the space with some room for us to get around and pass the hay into the feeder from the safely of the fence.  We don’t have vicious sheep, but during mating time, Lambert will try to ram anyone near his girls. Sometimes the girls are even  problematic and would try to eat he hay while it was being carried to the feeder.

The kids helped with the staining.  It was a quick job, but a little tricky because of the recent rain leaving mud and puddles to work around.

Unfortunately, the shingles delivery was delayed more then once leaving the project incomplete, which is always frustrating for Justin.  But we’re also both happy to be going into late Fall/Winter with the sheep’s hay stored away.  

These two pictures show the sheep feasting on corn husks after harvest time. They can have snacks like this and other certain veggies from the garden as a treat (only some are safe), but their main base of diet is the hay!


Friday, August 5, 2022

And They Are Off

And They Are Off

We are super excited to have sold three of our lambs to a farm that plans to raise them as pets!  

Lucky on the left, Buckfield in the back, and Brunswick on the right.

These guys got bathed and brushed to be ready for their big move. Alexia and I were exhausted from this endeavor, little Buckfield was last and we missed his face.  It really stands out against the rest of their fluffy whiteness.

 So happy that my little Brunswick bottle baby is going to live a long comfortable life on a big pasture. This loving little soul deserves such a life.  Look at this sweet boy Brunswick all cleaned and brushed and ready to go.  I recognize this one’s baaa as it sounds like he is calling for me, his maaa.

Back in April, right after weaning, we had sold Acorn and Charm. They are happy on their pasture at their new home and we have been happy to get updated photos of them there.  

We have our ram, his wingman, four ewes and two lambs left on the farm.  Bangor and Daisy will be shown at the fair.  Our two largest pure Southdown breed lambs.

Lucky is still in this photo here, but otherwise it captures the ewes and our current flock fairly well.

Lambert our Southdown ram and Boston our Hampshire are in a separate pen until breeding time to keep the lambs safe.  Our ram is pretty gentle most of the time, but we’ve heard it can be dangerous.

We have this metal cage for traveling the animals in the back of the truck. It breaks down easy and we hang it up in the barn.

Goodbye little lambs.

Check out more about these lambs’ life on our this’n’that farm on our post about Brunswick and the triplets and lambing twins, as well as Acorn’s arrival.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Farmers Market

Farmers Market 
Take 1

 Farmers Market practice set up last night.
So we may have gotten a little too busy with our day of chores and a birthday party, but I wanted to experiment with some ideas I found on Pinterest. So I built this farm display. I know it’s not pretty yet but wait until you see the final look.

So I might have gone a little overboard with the design considering that we had very few customers.  It was over 90 degrees!

True to our name, we had a little of this and that available.  We were super psyched to sell a half dozen duck eggs.  We were advertising our turkey and lamb meat and 6 week old ducklings.  We had some garden veggies and fresh cut flowers bouquets.  


Of course we had our needle felting and painted rocks.!

Hoping to have a few more customers next time we go. Our goal is to display at the fair once per month.

Thanks to the shade and the bit of breeze, we made it through this blistering hot day.

See you there next time or see you back around for our next blog post.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Processing Wool for Needle Felting

 Processing Wool for Needle Felting 

From sheering to dying to needle felting and everything in between!

I created this post to give you all a brief look into the process it takes to get from the wool on our little family flock of sheep to our finished needle felted products.

Rosie and lamb Daisy above.  Boston getting sheared below.

Dirty wool that has been sheared is ready for washing
This sample has already gone through the first wash.  I usually wash it three times.

The process: use water with Dawn soap and soak for half an hour, no scrubbing or that can wet felt. As you can imagine the wool can still hold onto the debris also known as vegetable matter. But it does do a good job cleaning the greasy oil called lanolin.  
If the debris does not come out in the washing process then we can get the rest out during carding, which is described below.

I’ve tried a few different washing methods, but because I have a front loader washing machine, I now use a bucket for soaking and then the spin cycle in the washing machine for draining out the dirty water from the wool.

This is what the wool looks like soaking in the soapy water.

Now that the wool is clean and ready to dye. This is the best time to dye your wool as it is already wet. You can dry your wool and dye later. I have done it both ways.

There are a couple options for dying wool.  With our busy lives, I have opted the speedy method using the microwave.  Basically you need your wool to heat up in the water, dye, and mordant mixture for the wool to soak up and preserve the color.

This photo shows the contrast of a new batch of colored wool with the heap of washed wool in the background.

It is a deep dark color soaking in the dye and while still wet. The color will lighten when it dries, so plan on that.  Below you can see the contrast of the dyed wool compared to a white needle felted project: credit to Amelia for the bone.  This dark brown wool in the background is from the photo above soaking in the dye.   It is still a nice dark brown color, but not nearly as dark as above.

Wool dyed and dried.

After dying, this rack is where we lay out the damp newly colored wool.  It has been very helpful to dry a few batches at a time.  It dries better up on the rack then on the table.


We are loving playing with the colors.  The art store had some RIT dyes and after literally sitting in the aisle for twenty minutes, I chose black, brown, tan and the primary colors.  This sample is from our first attempts.  I was hoping for a real red color on the front left batch, but ended up with magenta. I will have to try again.

I was very pleased with the blue, yellow and greens that we created with the food coloring dye left over after dying Easter eggs.

This clump of brown wool shows bits of hay and other “vegetable matter”.  Carding will help get the rest of this out of the wool.


This process is a little more tedious, especially when there is bits of the vegetable matter to pick out, but I have successfully convinced the kids that they should take a turn.  Amelia even asks for a turn: she finds it therapeutic.


The process is pretty straightforward.  A handful of wool is brushed from the left brush onto the right brush. 


The wool gets softer, fluffier, and cleaner as it is brushed out.  


We roll the wool over itself and move it back to the first brush and repeat the process twice more.


We pick out debris that migrates to the surface as we work.  When it is ready, we have a nice roving ready for needle felting.  I don’t know about you, but my anticipation grows at this point. Each new color that is ready, means a new project that can be made.

So here is the fun part… needle felting!


People will often gaze inquisitively as I work with my needle felting because it is so different than other types of needle work.  The needle felting needle is barbed to hook the tiny fibers of wool to each other as I stab it repeatedly, turning and shaping the piece as I go.  The more it is stabbed, the tighter and firmer the wool piece feels.  


See here the legs, face and ears are nice and firm, while the fluffy wool body and top of the head is attached more loosely to give it volume and appearance of wool on this sheep.


Here are my first few projects when I had only the natural color of wool to work with as I hadn’t done any dyeing yet.  I was practicing with creating the different shapes and attaching the ears, legs, and tails etc.

After getting some colors done, here is the final result of this bunny and kitty. 

                We purchased some little black beads that didn’t work well for 3D projects like these.  

From my little bit of experimentation with the eyes now, I like felting the eye on the critter as either simple black dots or more detailed as in this moose.

I have also tried and like the outcome of sewing beads on for the eyes as I did for this cute brown squirrel made by Acadia.

I was a little apprehensive about letting the younger kids needle felt because of the very sharp needle.  They were very persistent at their requests and then I read how some people used cookie cutters for their needle felted projects and we were all happy with this option. They were able to make animals and shapes they wanted and it was safe. Amelia made the bunny and a fox. Avalea made the moose, bear, and the same type of fox!


The rest of these above are mine. Some have been gifted and some sold at the craft fairs.  I have made a baby mobile for my niece and love how it came out.

Here is Alexia’s fox, and below that there is a group of Felted critters and on the right side is her sled dog and red panda.

Acadia made the Phenix fox, chick and chubby kitty pin on the left.

We hope you enjoyed this post and please write in comments if you would like to buy one of our creations.